Developing Projects
Cost share projects can take 12-24 months or longer from the time the application is received to the time when the project is completed and installed on the landscape.
All projects listed on this page are in the development process or are "in progress". Site visits have been completed and "before" photos recorded. Surveys were done on October 31, 2023. Construction plans have been completed some contractors have been picked by the landowner for completion of the projects.
All projects listed on this page are in the development process or are "in progress". Site visits have been completed and "before" photos recorded. Surveys were done on October 31, 2023. Construction plans have been completed some contractors have been picked by the landowner for completion of the projects.
2023-02 - Pelican Lake
Estimated Cost: $20,000.00
Plans for this project include removal of the concrete pad and retaining wall. Rock riprap will be added to follow the contour of the bank. No-mow grass will replace the wall area.
Work continues on this property throughout July, 2024. Sixty-five feet of shoreline will be protected.
Stone wall was removed and rock rip rap was placed.
Final photos were taken on August 8, 2024.