Developing Projects
Cost share projects can take 12-24 months or longer from the time the application is received to the time when the project is completed and installed on the landscape.
All projects listed on this page are in the development process or are "in progress". Site visits have been completed and "before" photos recorded. Surveys are scheduled for October 24, 2024 beginning at 8:30 a.m.
All projects listed on this page are in the development process or are "in progress". Site visits have been completed and "before" photos recorded. Surveys are scheduled for October 24, 2024 beginning at 8:30 a.m.
2025-01 - Town of Newbold Culvert Project
The Town of Newbold will be replacing this culvert. The culvert is currently submerged, overgrown, and hard to see.
A survey was completed on October 24, 2024.
2025-02 - Boom Lake Project
Before photos for this project.
A survey, completed on October 24, 2024 will help determine how high vegetated rock rip rap will need to be installed along the bank to create a protection for the shoreline. It also determines what size rock should be used and if a vegetated bag wall is needed above the rock if the rock doesn't come up high enough at the shoreline.
2025-03 - Wisconsin River Project
Before photos for this project.
A survey on this property was done on October 24, 2024. It will help determine the placement of a vegetated bag wall (if needed) and rock along the shoreline of a lake or river. Vegetating the rock will create a more natural, well protected shoreline.